Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The show is set in Rome and follows the love story between a single father, Paolo Giorgi, and a single mother, Laura Del Fiore, and the adventures of the extended family that originates from their relationship. The main characters are Paolo Giorgi and his daughter Cristina, Laura Del Fiore and her son Emanuele and her daughter Nina. Around these main characters develops the story of their grandparents, their uncles and aunts, their colleagues and friends.
Title | Tutti pazzi per amore - Season 1 Episode 8 : Ed io tra di voi |
Subtitle Available | ETC. |
Alternative Titles | |
First Air Date | 2008-12-07 |
Last Air Date | 2012-01-01 |
Number of Episodes | 78 |
Number of Seasons | 3 |
Genres | Comedy, Family, |
Networks | Rai 1, |
Casts | Emilio Solfrizzi, Antónia Lišková, Nicole Murgia, Carlotta Natoli, Brenno Placido, Marina Rocco, Luca Angeletti, Francesca Inaudi, Irene Ferri, Corrado Fortuna, Ricky Memphis |
Plot Keywords | , |
Episodes List
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 1 Questione di feeling Questione di feeling
2008-12-07Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 2 Se telefonando Se telefonando
2008-12-07Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 3 Io vorrei, non vorrei, ma se vuoi Io vorrei, non vorrei, ma se vuoi
2008-12-14Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 4 Per un'ora d'amore Per un'ora d'amore
2008-12-14Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 5 Quello che le donne non dicono Quello che le donne non dicono
2008-12-21Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 6 Metti una sera a cena Metti una sera a cena
2008-12-21Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 7 Amore che vieni, amore che vai Amore che vieni, amore che vai
2008-12-28Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 8 Ed io tra di voi Ed io tra di voi
2008-12-28Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 9 Strani amori Strani amori
2009-01-04Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 10 L'anno che verrà L'anno che verrà
2009-01-04Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 11 Inevitabile follia Inevitabile follia
2009-01-11Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 12 Certe notti Certe notti
2009-01-11Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 13 Questione di cellule Questione di cellule
2009-01-18Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 14 Come si cambia Come si cambia
2009-01-18Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 15 Le cose che abbiamo in comune Le cose che abbiamo in comune
2009-01-25Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 16 L'amore ci cambia la vita L'amore ci cambia la vita
2009-01-25Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 17 E intanto il tempo se ne va E intanto il tempo se ne va
2009-02-01Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 18 Maledetta primavera Maledetta primavera
2009-02-01Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 19 Quale allegria Quale allegria
2009-02-08Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 20 Non gioco più Non gioco più
2009-02-08Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 21 Nessun dolore Nessun dolore
2009-02-15Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 22 Si è spento il sole Si è spento il sole
2009-02-15Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 23 Quando finisce un amore Quando finisce un amore
2009-02-22Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 24 Ti sposerò perché Ti sposerò perché
2009-02-22Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 25 Ti lascerò Ti lascerò
2009-02-24Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...
Tutti pazzi per amore Season 1 :Episode 26 Datemi un martello Datemi un martello
2009-02-24Tutti Pazzi Per Amore is an Italian television series that aired on Rai 1 from December 7, 2008 to January 1, 2012, consisting of three seasons. The...